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Life And Service Of Gustavo Parajon Remembered
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/21/11)—Dr. Gustavo Parajón, former American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (ABFMS) missionary who served in Nicaragua, died March 13, 2011 at the age of 75
ABHMS Announces Activities, Events For ABCUSA 2011 Biennial In Puerto Rico
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/16/11)—American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) announces its events, activities and learning opportunities slated for before, during and after the
ABHMS Anuncia Actividades Y Eventos Para La Bienal ABCUSA 2011 En Puerto Rico
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/16/11)—Las Sociedades Misioneras Nacionales Bautistas Americanas (ABHMS) anuncian eventos, actividades y oportunidades de aprendizaje programados para antes,
Pre-Biennial Event “The New Normal” Looks At Culture, Ministry
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/16/11)—Just announced, “The New Normal” is a pre-Biennial event for church leaders that will reflect on the impact of culture on ministry. The Ministers
Free Webinars Tie In With Black Marriage Day
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/14/11)—On March 27, 2011, hundreds of communities and neighborhoods across the country will celebrate Black Marriage Day, first observed nationally in 2003.
$20,000 Grant Approved By OGHS For Japan Relief Efforts
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/12/11)—American Baptists are answering the call to provide relief to their sisters and brothers in Christ in Japan after an 8.9 earthquake struck Japan on
Prayers Requested Following Japan Earthquake And Tsunami
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/11/11)—Please keep the people of Japan and other affected areas in your prayers, after the most powerful earthquake to hit Japan in at least 100 years caused
The Chile Earthquake – One Year Later
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 3/10/11)—American Baptists have provided $150,000 through One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) for recovery and rebuilding efforts in response to the February 2010