
ABCUSA > Engage

Whether you are a pastor or church leader new to American Baptist Churches USA, a seminarian, or serving as a chaplain or specialized minister, we are excited to have the chance to introduce you to brothers and sisters in Christ and to help you ENGAGE with the amazing partners and opportunities our American Baptist denominational family has to offer. When you welcome new members into your family, you make space at your table, you are excited to spend time together and you offer the very best you have to give. That is our goal for the 2025 ENGAGE program!

Our denomination is incredibly diverse in a great many ways. Like any family, we come from different places, hold different perspectives, and pursue different priorities in our attempts to love God and neighbor. While we acknowledge and celebrate our diversity, the purpose of this ENGAGE event is to highlight opportunities for unity and connection. We want to help you discover the opportunities that will make you proud to declare, “I AM AN AMERICAN BAPTIST!”

Our calling as followers of Jesus and ministers of the gospel isn’t always easy. As we welcome you into our family, we want to help you to ENGAGE with the various partners within our denomination that can serve you to help lighten the load and make you more effective. There is space at our table for you!

Engage is an event for:

  • American Baptist seminarians in their second or third year
  • Pastors ordained by other denominations, hired by ABC Churches
  • Others: Lay ministers, chaplains, and specialized ministry persons who have not yet attended OTABL/ENGAGE

We want leaders new to ABC life to  ENGAGE our American Baptist family personally, professionally, and socially as together we seek to serve the Lord in your communities and in the world. Registration is open for Engage 2025! If you did not receive an invitation, please email Engage@abc-usa.org

Learn more about ENGAGE through our Informational Sheet by clicking here.

All ENGAGE participants are required to view a series of videos produced by our partner organizations before June 30, 2025. You may begin viewing these videos below. Additional videos will be posted by February 28, 2025.

    1. American Baptist Home Mission Societies
    2. MMBB Financial Services 
    3. International Ministries

Engage 2025 is a program offering that is being held at the 2025 Biennial Mission Summit. Learn more about the Biennial Mission Summit at www.americanbaptists2025.com.