Ministers Council Senate Meets in Green Lake, WI
The 2012 Ministers Council Senate meeting, held at the Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, WI, was called to order on Saturday, August 11 by Dr. Jeff Savage…
The 2012 Ministers Council Senate meeting, held at the Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, WI, was called to order on Saturday, August 11 by Dr. Jeff Savage…
Debbie and Keith Myers, two of American Baptist International Ministries (IM) newest endorsed missionary candidates, reached an important milestone on August 1 by becoming appointed for missionary service in central Mexico.
American Baptist Women’s Ministries held its 2012 National Women’s Conference at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, July 21-27.
In the latest installment of American Baptist Home Mission Societies’ “Faces and Places of Hope” weekly podcast series, the Rev. Steve Bils describes a unique 12-year-old ministry that takes place at the Sturgis (S.D.) Motorcycle Rally each August.
Those unable to participate in “Here Until the Work is Done VI” Ecumenical Work Week can follow along with posts and photographs on the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) website at and on its Facebook page at
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 8/1/12)—After 7 years of service as Executive Director of Interim Ministries-ABC, Rev. Jamie Munro retired on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. “Jamie will be greatly missed. He has been a tremendous gift to ABC life in his role as director of Interim Ministries,” said Roy Medley, general Secretary of American Baptist Churches USA. “His […]
WASHINGTON, D.C. (ABNS 7/27/12)—Many youth from across the United States and Puerto Rico served as the hands and feet of Christ by participating in mission outreach at various sites here on Wednesday as part of Immerse, the 2012 national gathering of American Baptist youth. Sponsored by Valley Forge, Pa.-headquartered American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), […]
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 7/24/12)— Today is the third day of Aids 2012, the XIX International Aids Conference, meeting at the convention center in Washington, D.C. from July 22-27. Comments by national American Baptist leaders on the Occasion of the XIX International Aids Conference: American Baptists celebrate the medical advances that have occurred in the […]
VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 7/12/12)—The Region Board of American Baptist Churches of New York State (ABC-NYS) announced Wednesday, July 11, that it has called Rev. Dr. James Kelsey as the executive minister of ABC-NYS. Kelsey will begin serving in this position on August 16, 2012. Rev. Dr. C. Jeff Woods, associate general secretary for Regional […]
GREEN LAKE, WI (ABNS 7/12/12)—Green Lake Conference Center is pleased to announce that Troy Weyenberg has accepted the call to become the next Director of Camp Grow Ministries. Paul Ethington and Troy will work together toward a smooth transition during the remainder of July. Troy brings strong leadership, management and sales experience from his current […]