Burma Refugee Commission

ABCUSA > Burma Refugee Commission

The Burma Refugee Commission is a joint effort coordinated out of the ABCUSA Office of General Secretary which includes representatives of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, International Ministries, the Regional Executive Ministers Council, Burmese Baptist Churches USA, Chin Baptist Churches USA, Chin Baptist Association of North America, Kachin Baptist Churches USA, Kachin American Baptist Association, and Karen Baptist Churches USA. 

Call to Prayer for Myanmar

On this page, you will find documents and links to sources through which you can learn more about the American Baptist relationship with the people from Myanmar and the current sociopolitical situations in Myanmar. We also provide prayer and worship resources that individuals and faith communities can use in their homes, church meetings, and worship services that we hope will assist you in centering God in your desire and efforts to discern your Christian witness amidst these challenging times. 

Starting in the month of March, 2021, we ask that you consider setting aside time(s) to lift up prayers individually or collectively, and to also consider ways you can serve as an action of your support in the coming weeks and months. While there is no designated day, we highlight that the World Day of Prayer falls on Friday, March 5 this year. 

A Brief History of the Relationship Between ABCUSA and Myanmar

Updates shared by ABCUSA

Calls to Action and How Others Are Responding

Worship and Prayer Resources

Learn More About the Current Myanmar Situation

Other Resources from the Burma Refugee Commission (BRC)


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