246 churches/38,411 resident members
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tabcom.massachusetts
Executive Minister: Rev. Dr. Mary Day Hamel, 189 Prescott Street, Groton, MA 01450, (978) 448-1445 or (978) 732-9111, miller@tabcom.org.
Business Administrator: Richard Wolf, (978) 448-5763, ext. 203; E-mail: paparwolf@mac.com
Associate Executive Minister of Mission & Stewardship: Rev. Sandra Dorsainvil, (508) 525-6221; E-mail: s_dorsainvil@yahoo.com
Associative Executive Minister for Congregational Relations: Rev. Marlene Gil; (508) 873-3206; E-mail: gil@tabcom.org.
Assistant to the Executive Minister: Wendy Maxfield, 167 Prescott Street, Groton, MA 02026, (978) 448-1445, maxfield@tabcom.org
Ministerial Placement: Rev. Marlene Gil; (508) 873-3206; E-mail: gil@tabcom.org or mail to: 167 Prescott St., Groton, MA 01450.
Ministerial Placement: Rev. Dr. Mary Day Hamel, (978) 732-9111; Email: miller@tabcom.org or mail to: 167 Prescott St., Groton, MA 01450.
Ministerial Standing: Wendy Maxfield, 167 Prescott Street, Groton, MA 02026, (978) 448-1445, maxfield@tabcom.org
Communications Contacts:
TABCOM Notes monthly e-newsletter: Wendy Maxfield, maxfield@tabcom.org
Camps & Conferencing:
At Camp Grotonwood, 167 Prescott Street, Groton, MA 01450; (978) 448-5763; Fax: (978) 448-0025; E-mail: office@grotonwood.org; Web: www.grotonwood.org
Contacts: Breeze Everitt, Minister of Camping Programs – (978) 448-5763, ext. 1002; E-mail: breezee@grotonwood.org; Jorge Florez, Retreats & Conferencing Coordinator – (978) 448 5763, ext. 1003; E-mail: retreats@grotonwood.org
At Camp Oceanwood, P.O. Box 338, Ocean Park, ME 04063; Summer: (207) 934-9655; Fax: (207) 934-1586; E-mail: office@oceanwood.org
Contact: Kasandra Kane, Director; Email: kasandrak@oceanwood.org
Groton MA 01450
United States