The Biennial Mission Summit Virtual Attendee Hub Opened Today

ABCUSA > Biennial Mission Summit > The Biennial Mission Summit Virtual Attendee Hub Opened Today

The Biennial Mission Summit Virtual Attendee Hub Opened Today

All those who registered for the 2021 ABCUSA Biennial Mission Summit had the opportunity to make the event a week-long experience! The Virtual Attendee Hub, where all this year’s activities and materials are accessed, opened at 9:00 AM ET today, Monday, June 21, 2021.

Through the Virtual Attendee Hub, all registered attendees can:

  •      visit with available sponsors and exhibitors
  •      participate in any number of gatherings within the exhibitor booths
  •      view resources in the On-Demand Library
  •      connect with fellow event attendees
  •      get familiar with this year’s technology features
  •      and much more.

Attendees can be on the lookout in their email inbox each morning for an email highlighting events for the day and an easily accessible “Log In” button to the Virtual Attendee Hub.

Also visit this helpful webpage in case you have any troubles accessing the Virtual Attendee Hub or for easy access to the Program Booklet and Detailed Schedule when you are not logged into the Hub.

May you have an impactful Biennial Mission Summit Week!

#ABCImagine2021  #ABCMissionSummit  
