About the ABC Creation Justice Network

ABCUSA > In the Spotlight > About the ABC Creation Justice Network

About the ABC Creation Justice Network

The ABC Creation Justice Network is a grassroots network of Baptists that are coming together to seek a just and sustainable future for God’s creation.  We are responding to God’s calling to live as stewards of creation, honoring our interconnection with all life and the urgency we feel to repair our broken world for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

In 2015 General Secretary Emeritus Roy Medley encouraged and supported Tom Carr and Ian Mevorach to form this ministry to lift up the cause of environmental justice, and related concerns such as poverty and racism, in ABC Life.  We began our work in the summer of 2016 after receiving a grant from the ABC Finance Committee and have been empowered as a task force of the Board of General ministries.

Our mission is to build a movement among Baptists that seeks peace, justice, and reconciliation for all of God’s creation.  As we come together in collaboration, we are able to do so much more for the good of God’s creation together than we can alone.

The members of our steering committee are Ashley Anderson, Karyn Bigelow, Dwight P. Davidson, Stacey Simpson Duke, Kathleen Moore, Jamie Washam, David Wheeler, Tom Carr, Ian Mevorach and Don Ng. Feel free to get in touch with any of us if you would like to get involved.  We will be seeking to form more committees as we move forward so please let us know what areas of creation justice you are most passionate about.

As part of our mission, we are seeking to partner with other Baptists, such as the Alliance of Baptists and the Progressive National Baptists, as well as ABC regions and camps, and ministries such as the BPFNA, GreenFaith, Eco-America, Interfaith Power and Light, and others.  We work closely with Creation Justice Ministries, an ecumenical ministry associated with the National Churches of Christ, of which the ABCUSA is a member communion.
