Lenten Devotional: The Reality of Death and The Hope of Resurrection

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Lenten Devotional: The Reality of Death and The Hope of Resurrection

Easter is the time when the full view of the Gospel reminds us of the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. The book of Acts of the Apostles is steeped with the rehearsing of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Paul spends time developing his New Testament themes around the fact of Christ’s resurrection. To remember His death is also to remember his life in the power of the resurrection.

So much that we encounter in these days and times is filled with reminders that death is ever present around us in this life. We find ourselves in a 24-hour news cycle replete with news of violence, deception, corruption and anxiety. In fact, the more “sensational” the news, the more it leads as “breaking news” in the broadcast. The old adage is true; “…if it bleeds, it leads”. Yet, our society hungers for good news and words that feeds our spirits with hope in the midst of it all.

Jesus spoke of his death with unflinching detail to his disciples. He reminded them that he would suffer emotionally and physically at the hands of enemies and even his own friends would desert him. However, he never talked about death without talking about resurrection. That is the power of His conversation. To that end, we can be assured that even in the midst of death, we have the hope and power of life through His resurrection.

In a very practical way, death is a symbol of defeat. That is why believers celebrate resurrection every sabbath when we come together in worship. It is a reminder that no matter what society or the news cycle has to offer, there is always hope for a better day and a better society. Resurrection reminds us that we serve a Christ who can turn every test into a testimony, every problem into possibility and every worry we have into worship. The Gospel story reminds us that, yes, we are in the midst of death. But, as believers, we live, move and have our being in the power of the resurrected Christ.


Rev Dr. Perry Hopper

Scriptural References:

Luke 18:31-33

I Corinthians 15
