New Judson Press Book Explores Preaching During Pastoral Transition

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New Judson Press Book Explores Preaching During Pastoral Transition

VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 9/14/18)—At some point, every church finds itself in a period of pastoral transition, and the role of interim pastor presents some challenges and struggles as a congregation journeys through the discernment process and prepares for a new leader. In Preaching in the Interim: Transitional Leadership in the Latino/a Church, pastor and educator Efrain Agosto presents the hopes and possibilities of transitional ministry through the lens of a Latino/a church.

Preaching in the Interim is a unique and practical compilation of sermons and personal pastoral reflections that demonstrate the rich theological and cultural heritage of US Latino/a congregations. The volume serves as a model for churches facing pastoral transition in a twenty-first century, especially in an urban and intercultural context.

This pastoral resource features 18 sermons preached through the seasons of the church year, from Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, through Lent and Easter. The sermons address the concerns of today’s congregations, including the nature of local and universal church, the importance of Christian education, and the celebration of the roots of the Latino/a faith.

“While addressed primarily to Latinx churches and preachers, Dr. Agosto’s sermons and notes model themes and methods for all churches and their clergy in transitional phases of ministry,” states Rev. Rochelle A. Stackhouse, Transitional Minister at Center Church UCC in Hartford, Connecticut. Stackhouse continues, “Deftly combining deep biblical scholarship with the daily realities of the church, popular culture, and current events, these sermons help the Scriptures speak energetically to both elders of the church and younger Christians.”

Preaching in the Interim will also be available in Spanish in an e-book format. Forthcoming.

Efrain Agosto, PhD, is Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament Studies at New York Theological Seminary (NYTS). An ordained minister, he has served as interim pastor for two churches in the Northeast region of the United States. Dr. Agosto also serves on the Steering Committee of the Hispanic Theological Initiative and represents NYTS on the Governing Board of the Hispanic Summer Program.

Founded in 1824, Judson Press is a publishing ministry of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, American Baptist Churches USA. It is committed to producing Christ-centered leadership resources for the transformation of individuals, congregations, communities, and cultures.

American Baptist Home Mission Societies partners with American Baptists in answering God’s call to promote Christian faith across the United States and Puerto Rico to cultivate Christ-centered leaders and disciples, and heal and transform communities, by developing aligned action networks and programs.

American Baptist Churches USA is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, with approximately 5,000 congregations comprised of 1.3 million members, across the United States and Puerto Rico, all engaged in God’s mission around the world.
