American Baptist Chief Financial Officers Come Together for Time of Connection

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American Baptist Chief Financial Officers Come Together for Time of Connection

     7 Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
         whose trust is the Lord.
     8 They shall be like a tree planted by water,
         sending out its roots by the stream.
     It shall not fear when heat comes,
         and its leaves shall stay green;
     in the year of drought it is not anxious,
         and it does not cease to bear fruit.
           Jeremiah 17:7-8 NRSVue

On May 20, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) from national American Baptist organizations came together for a time of convening, community and reconnecting. The gathering and luncheon event, held by the ABCUSA Office of the General Secretary and MMBB Financial Services, brought together leaders from American Baptist Home Mission Societies, the American Baptist Foundation, American Baptist International Ministries, American Baptist Women’s Ministries, MMBB Financial Services, and ABCUSA.

General Secretary Gina Jacobs-Strain said, “It was a privilege to reconvene the CFOs of the national partners of ABCUSA for a time of reflection, fellowship, and conversation. It was wonderful for them to discuss ways they have and can support each other by sharing their gifts, skills, and areas of expertise. This connection amongst our CFOs is essential for harmony, collaboration, best practices and critical thinking; it benefits our denomination. Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that, As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. I was blessed to witness their wisdom and how quickly their conversation progressed to exchanges that were creative, collaborative, and filled with joy. It is my hope that this group will continue to meet regularly.”

The CFOs from national organizations had met when located in the former American Baptist Mission Center building, but had not come together in recent years following the selling and relocation of the Mission Center. The event served as an opportunity for the groups to reconnect and join in fellowship, strengthening past connections and creating new connections with these denominational16 leaders.

“It was wonderful to come together as colleagues in ministry again with a deep understanding of the work done, as some might say, “behind the scenes” in our partnering organizations. We each know well the complexities of our unique roles within our organizations, but coming together as colleagues in ministry provided us an opportunity to share knowledge and information with one another. I look forward to continuing the conversations moving forward,” said Alan Musoke, Associate General Secretary for Finance/CFO/Treasurer of American Baptist Churches USA.
