Register Today for “Local Churches and Global Moral Issues” Continuing Education Experience

ABCUSA > Latest Features > Register Today for “Local Churches and Global Moral Issues” Continuing Education Experience

Register Today for “Local Churches and Global Moral Issues” Continuing Education Experience


VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 8/6/18)—How can our churches understand and faithfully respond to the big issues of our times? Can we truly have an effective witness on issues such as racism, genocide, immigration, anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice?

American Baptist Churches USA is collaborating with the American Baptist Historical Society and the DC Baptist Convention to present a unique continuing education experience on Local Churches and Global Moral Issues: Resources for ABC Pastoral Leaders. Registration is available now for this September 10-12 event in Washington, D.C.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe program will include a 2-day workshop at the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, led by the Museum’s Programs on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust, and on day 3, a half-day wisdom gathering dialogue with DC Baptist Convention leaders. Presenters will include Dr. Victoria Barnett, director of USHMM Programs on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust, and Dr. Priscilla Eppinger, Executive Director of the American Baptist Historical Society. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, ABCUSA General Secretary, will share perspectives flowing out of his work on Baptists and the Holocaust.

Program highlights include:

1) Guided tour of the Museum’s Permanent Exhibition and special exhibit on “Americans and the Holocaust”
2) Presentation on Museum resources and archives with focus on collections pertaining to the churches
3) Presentations and facilitated discussion on the challenges that confronted German Protestant churches during the Nazi era and how American churches responded to those specific challenges and the broader problem of hatred and anti-Semitism
4) Presentation on the theological aspects of this history, including the Jewish-Christian relationship

Participation will be limited to 24 ABC pastoral and lay leaders, in order to facilitate in depth conversation. The cohort will explore how our churches can become bold witnesses that communicate Jesus’ command to love our neighbors. Cost for the seminar is $25; participants are expected to cover their own transportation, hotel and meal expenses.

To register for the conference, click this link. Your hotel reservation can be made through our registration link.

American Baptist Churches USA is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, with approximately 5,000 congregations comprised of 1.3 million members, across the United States and Puerto Rico, all engaged in God’s mission around the world.
