VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 2/19/14)—More than 5 million parents, grandparents, and caregivers are raising a child with a disability. Where do they go for solace? For rest, refreshment and renewed joy? In her newly released book, The Spiritual Art of Raising Children with Disabilities, Kathleen Deyer Bolduc offers parents hope for a deeper walk with God in the midst of a difficult life journey.
As the mother of an adult son with autism, Bolduc knows the challenges. Drawing on her own experience of raising a child with disabilities and sharing the stories of other parents who have walked similar paths, Kathy Bolduc demonstrates what is possible when we pay attention to God’s presence in the midst of it all, with questions to ponder and reflections to consider along the way.
Using a mosaic metaphor and the spiritual disciplines as a framework for daily works of healing and restoration, she offers bite-sized pieces of poetry, scripture, and personal narrative.
“This book provides valuable spiritual insights for parents. It is also helpful to clergy, spiritual directors, churches ministering to families, and other service organizations privileged to provide space for grace to parents of children with special needs and catastrophic illnesses.”—Rev. Betty Wright-Riggins, Founder and Principal of TrustOne, a ministry of spiritual direction and coaching
About the Author: Kathleen Deyer Bolduc, is a nationally recognized author and speaker in the field of disability ministry. The mother of a young adult son with autism and moderate intellectual disability, she has shared her inspiring story in His Name is Joel: Searching for God in a Son’s Disability (1999), A Place Called Acceptance: Ministry with Families of Children with Disabilities (2001), and Autism & Alleluias (2010). She also produces a blog, “Autism & Alleluias,” dedicated to parenting a special child.
Founded in 1824, Judson Press is a publishing ministry of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, American Baptist Churches USA. It is committed to producing Christ-centered leadership resources for the transformation of individuals, congregations, communities, and cultures.
American Baptist Home Mission Societies—the domestic mission arm of American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA)—ministers as the caring heart and serving hands of Jesus Christ across the United States and Puerto Rico through a multitude of initiatives that focus on discipleship, community and justice.
American Baptist Churches is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, with over 5,200 local congregations comprised of 1.3 million members, across the United States and Puerto Rico, all engaged in God’s mission around the world.