2014 ABC Reads Book Continues Justice-Related Momentum

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2014 ABC Reads Book Continues Justice-Related Momentum

VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 10/11/13)—Judson Press, the publishing arm of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, has selected Ministry with Prisoners & Families: The Way Forward by W. Wilson Goode, Sr., Charles E. Lewis, Jr. and Harold Dean Trulear as the “ABC Reads” title for 2014.

ABC Reads is a denomination-wide emphasis designed to bring together American Baptists—literally and figuratively—through the power of a book. This resource continues the momentum of the Mission Summit/Biennial justice-related events by considering the impact of incarceration on the African American community and the biblical mandate for an intentional response from the church.

Contributors include scholars, ministry practitioners, pastors, and formerly incarcerated individuals who offer a paradigm for “prisoner ministry” that goes beyond traditional worship and Bible study programs. They provide insight and practical strategies for developing an authentic relational encounter—not only with prisoners but with their families, from the time of incarceration to the transition back into home, church, and society.

Ministry with Families & Prisoners has an online webinar with the authors, and $1.00 from the sale of every copy of this book will fund the distribution of Christian resources to those in prison or in need.

To order Judson Press resources, visit www.judsonpress.com or call 800-458-3766.

Founded in 1824, Judson Press is the publishing ministry of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, American Baptist Churches USA. It is committed to producing Christ-centered leadership resources for the transformation of individuals, congregations, communities, and cultures.

American Baptist Home Mission Societies—the domestic mission arm of American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA)—ministers as the caring heart and serving hands of Jesus Christ across the United States and Puerto Rico through a multitude of initiatives that focus on discipleship, community, and justice.  

American Baptist Churches USA is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, with more than 5,200 local congregations comprised of 1.3 million members, across the United States and Puerto Rico, all engaged in God’s mission around the world.
