Please keep the people of Nepal and other affected areas in your prayers, after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit less than 50 miles from Kathmandu on Saturday. The quake struck shortly before noon local time. CNN is now reporting that there is an estimated death toll of over 3,800, which is expected to continue to rise as rescue and recovery efforts continue.
“In tragedies such as this, our faith calls us to compassion and solidarity with those who have suffered loss,” said A. Roy Medley, general secretary of American Baptist Churches USA. “Our networks of relationship through the Baptist World Alliance and Church World Service offer us channels for relief efforts. Gifts can be given through ABC One Great Hour of Sharing, earmarked for the Nepal earthquake.”
Please continue to remember those affected by this earthquake in your prayers. Additionally, gifts designated to “Nepal Earthquake Relief” will help affected areas at this time. To make a donation, visit and click “Give Online” at the top right of the page. In the “Comments” section, type “OGHS Nepal Earthquake Relief.”
OGHS is administered by the World Relief Committee of the Board of General Ministries. The committee facilitates American Baptist emergency relief, disaster rehabilitation, refugee work and development assistance by establishing policy guidelines and overseeing distribution of the annual OGHS offering. One hundred percent of donations go to relief efforts; no dollars are retained for administrative costs.